My mom is an amazing painter. We have at least five of her paintings hanging up in our house and one of her drawings. I love her style because it is a bunch of landscapes and beautiful sunsets. She even did a paper mosaic of Jesus but then someone stole it, she talks about it often because it is one of the things that she is most proud of. When she was out of college she stopped painting and started to focus on her career and having a family. She would paint every once and awhile, most of the times it was simple stuff, like painting the walls of our bedroom with a border across the room. At our old house my room had carousel horses around the top of the walls and our kitchen had flowers that grew out of our baseboard. That's the one thing that I remember about my old house and it is the thing that I probably miss the most. But when I was in middle school my mom decided that she was not going to pay 100 bucks for a painting that she could make herself. Now that painting is hanging above our TV and almost any new guest in our house comments on it. She hasn't painted anything new sense then but I have been trying to get her to start again. I will pull up photos on my phone and ask her if she can paint it, she always says yes but she would have to find the time. I hope that eventually she can find the time to someday wonder back to something she is amazing at.
The flowers blended
but barely noticeable
still living on
The print you chose is one of my favorites in the stack, and I like the connections you make to your mother's creativity in the houses you've lived in and your wish for her to wander back to something she shows such a talent for.