Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Photo Hunt

Someone who makes me smile
Cassie is way too random and she isn't afraid to ask me questions that most people would find too personal. This has helped us become better friends faster and anytime I'm around her she makes me smile. #Cassieforpresident.
Someone who has taught me something
Well, the teacher that I believe taught me the most is Mrs. Butcher, and she is no longer here.  She taught me that I am smart enough to take honors classes and that I need to put myself out there more, this helped me a lot sophomore year, to gain more confidence. #bringbutcherback
Someone you'd like to be more like
Hannah and I have grown up together, our moms knew each other when they were pregnant with us, so her house is basically a second home.  Hannah is such a positive person and she is such a joy to be around.  When the conversations take a nasty turn she knows how to bring them back to the light side.  She has helped me become a better person without her even knowing that she is. #dontleavefortruman
something quintessentially American
When I think of America, my mind goes straight to the fact that we love sports.  This is really hard for someone like myself that does not enjoy sitting watching someone play, but I do enjoy playing myself.  As a child, I played in multiple different sports and get dragged to many of my brothers games as well as professional games, and I did not enjoy that. #feelingunamerican
something square
I like typing more than I do writing, I am a faster typer and I hate how my handwriting looks when I write fast, big and unledgable, so when I have a million thoughts in my head I find it easier to type. #usuallyhatetechnology 
something round
I always seem to sit down on these seats the wrong way, so that I have to pull my legs over the bar.  These tables will always bring back the memory of a crowded room and construction workers.  I am sad that they took away the outside area, that was my one time during the school day to get a fresh breath of air and it really helped me calm my mind. #wantthefreshairback
interseting angle
I find these hanging plants to be an odd consept.  You don't really get to see the plant, if it is not growing over, you only get to see the pot. Well, hopefully you have an interesting flower pot. #letshaveseethroughflowerpots
something handwritten
This is the Senior Ladies wall in the girls dressing room of the theatre.  Some of the seniors haven't signed their name on the wall yet, Cassie, but hopefully they will remember. #cassiedontforget
something from nature
Sadly, most of my classes don't have a window, so when there is a class with a window, I find myself looking out it and missing important information.  Even if I am just watching birds or rain, I find it so entertaining. #outdoorclassroom
somthing that looks like a face but really isn't
When I was a kid, I always used to wonder why the face of this was so sad or shocked, and honestly I still wonder that. #nevergrowingup
something a little kid might notice
someone drew a Toothless on the wall of the girls dressing room, it seemed to just appear overnight and at that time I was spending everyday in that room trying to figure out designs, when I got frustrated I started talking to it, it didn't respond. #awildtoothless
something that brings back memories
Oh my goodness, this is probably one of the most stressful things I have ever done.  I was in charge of makeup for lion king jr, and lets just say I was in over my head, but it turned out okay, no one got an eye poked out and now I have an amazing memory and the feeling that I can do something as long as I work hard. #workwork
something that irritates me
The fact that we are getting a new theater and I am unable to preform or work in it kinda makes me want to fail a class so I can stay for another year. #dontwannagrowup
something beautiful
I love the time of year when it can still be winter like weather but then flowers start blooming. I love the weather of winter but I adore nature during the summer, this is a nice middle ground. #winterflowers
something that will always remind you of being at KHS
I am so happy that I got involved in theatre but I regret not being part of it sooner, this is a place that has felt like a comfort zone and a place I can go to hang out after school. #homeiswherethetheateris

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