Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Black Room

I convince myself that if I dream long and hard enough, it would come true. I often find comfort in this until the occasional nightmare happens.  Last night was one of the nights that a nightmare occurred. 
I was stuck in a living room with black furniture all facing towards an old television that had only static playing across the screen.  There was one window behind the couch and when I went over to open the black curtain, I could only see a cement wall that was a foot away from the house.  There was no door for me to try and exit and even the window had bars over them.  The room was made to hold someone hostage and I did not want to be that someone.
I went over to the television to try and find some answers but when I tried to change the channel the static would still remain on the screen.  I turned away starting to get frustrated with the room when a whispering started to surround me.
“Get out while you can.” It warned, and it kept repeating those words.  I ran back to the window desperate now to find a way out of this prison.   With the whispering continuing I started to pound my fist on the window glass.  It did not budge.  I started pacing and saw the coffee table sitting next to the couch.   I picked it up and hurtled it across the room to the window.  The table broke but the glass did not.  The whispering was getting louder and I looked around the room to see where it came from but found no answers.  I turned back to the window, my only way of escape and the whispering stopped when a figure appeared outside.  It had a hood over its head and it reached a hand out towards the bars.
I watch stupefied as the hand of the creature rapped it figures around my neck, forcing me to wake up from my nightmare in cold sweats.  I looked around my room to assure myself that everything was okay but that did not happen because sitting at my desk was the hooded person.  It reached its pale hands up and took its hood off to reveal that I was looking at myself.  Every feature that the creature had reflected my own, even the way that it sat in the desk chair was the same.  It studied me as if to replace me and then closed its eyes.  When they opened again, there was something terribly wrong about their eyes. They were full of sorrow while the rest of the body was confident.  I walked around my room to try and get away but found myself trapped in the exact same room that my dream had.  I was stuck in the black prison and the creature was with me. Everything about it is lifeless except for the eyes-every few minutes they open or close, following me around the room when open.

1 comment:

  1. That imagery of the eyes opening and closing, following you around the room there at the end is so creepy, but the idea of being trapped is the scariest to me. I don't like that feeling of a closed space...I remember the panic I felt crawling through a maze of hay bales at a haunted house when I was in high school, with people in front of me and people behind me and hay above me even, with no way out but to keep going.
